Welcome to my Blog-Diary

I welcome you to my blog- Diary.Here I share my views on different issues and colors of life except work.For my work,I have one different Blog but This Blog is a window to my world,my feelings,my interests,hobbies and life style.I welcome you on board and appreciate your feedback on any article.

Many Best wishes and Peace!
Happy Reading.

mercredi 21 mai 2008

Struggle of colors(White vs Black)

To me white and black are prime colours,because all colors combine to make one White color and similarly all colors absorbed to form black color.The shiny brigh day or dark night have own charm and meanings.

In this circle of life and death,hope and hopelessness,smiles and tears,success and failure,love and hate,optimism and pessimism,Good and evil are represented by these two colors and these two colors are colors of universe universe.
White color spreads into charming rainbow colors
similarly a good deed spreads its fragrance into
multi fold directions,making this world a happy and Peaceful Place.
Black color absorbs all color and ends them at once similarly greed,hatred,injustice,cruelty etc destroys very essence of this vast beautiful universe.Therefore,we all lead our lives under
the shadow of these two colors,few always

white,many under black energy and some in

between while Energy of white and black colors is constantly pouring upon us.

It is white energy in us that can defy the black energy and have constructive connection with white wavelength of universe not only to have internal Peace,enlightenment and power but it makes us able to share/spread same white positive energy around us into many colors like rainbow.Lets not weekenn internal positive energy.A simple positive and optimistic thought can make a difference and may wipe out negative,greedy ,and pessimistic thoughts.

have a white energy..feel it inside u & energy pouring all the time upon us.Be in constructively aligned to feel Peace!!

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