The page of book turns with blow of air,there is rhythm of music in air and continuous flow of thoughts alert towards one of the unforgotten chapter of history to be rediscovered and redefined.The time machine of thoughts reels backward...flying in past...Oh Its Talpur's era in Sindh 1830 AD..ohk..but lets get forward more..its British who sinned..but this story has nothing to do with this part of history of war...its roughly time period of 1890 AD..but lets take me to some specifc village...not this one..Oh yes...There in tiniest village of world..yes...this village which seems farther away from amenities of life and even basic facilities, yes this is it..where story starts...a story of happy family and brave woman...the village is covered with forests and huge range of trees and there are peasants,herds man and shop keepers...most of villagers have harder life and have to do struggle to make their both hands meet but again they all are content with their lives.

In this part of village,a poor but happy couple with their children counts the blessings of God for bestowing them happy family life, she loved alot and together they strived to build happy family life for them.The man was hard working and skilled peasant.Her wife stood by his loving hubby all times,all were going smoothly until one day,when dreams shatters all of sudden on sad demise of his husband,who dies because of some mysterious disease of those days (say Malaria).It was such a shock for young wife,whose all dreams vanished with one flip of time.The dreams are always dreams,they may come true but who knows,the time of turbulence and hardship is awaiting next to confront you.
She was under grief and shock because of such an irreparable loss of her husband and future of her children.In those times,the life for a woman is already no more than a big challenge and especially when her husband is lost forever,then its simply an awful reality.The cunning and greedy relatives not only distance from them but also captures illegally their husband's belongings and lands through their cunning means and cruelty,leaving behind woman and children to suffer or survive on their own.The only assistance she manages to get is from her brothers,which is a sense of some oxygen for her.While in terms of property,her husband's cousins and uncles left nothing much except some small house made with clay bricks and wooden stuff and one buffalo and cow.In such grave situation,under grief and troubles,she has some thing special in her,that is the power of love for her family which sparks new will to face all hardships of time,and not to bow down at any cost.She makes their livelihood by selling butter and buffalo/Cow milks and working in agriculture fields as peasant woman.Her children 6 and 8 years old boys go with her,stay beside her mother,seeing her working harder and some times,they join her in work,she never feels weak during all hard works...because the power of love always brings more energy into her to confront the challenges with smiling face,letting Fate writers know that one can physically lost every thing,but with power of love,all challenges can be dealt with dignity.
The darker night has also some limits and finish lines,children inherit the power of love,hard work and high morals from their parents and especially from their mother.When their mother falls ill due to continuous work and hardships,they step in to push the cart of life to move.Gradually these two brothers gets renowned as honest,hard working peasants and people want to work for them,this way some better change comes into their life style but again their relatives get jealous on their emergence out of troubled times independently as insult to them.because they knew in their heart that their own children are lazy and not good workers as these two brothers are...and thats why they started using their influence to some landlords so that they dont give their lands to them for means more troubling times for family...more challenges from own relatives and known ones...!!
But with prays and love from their ailing mother,they keep their faith high and go on work in some other villages farther away from their village.In that time Government of British India permitted people to utilize forests into agriculture lands,but its huge task,without any technology,with old sindhi Axe and tools,one can wander how to cut and clean such a big forests,nearly impossible work...takes decades to cut n clean some acres...many of their relatives started work but they could not get much of land.
One day these two brothers talked with their mother and asked for permission to their mothers in order to start this daunting work and she gave them prays.With prays of their mother, power of love and high moral attributes,they took such nearly impossible task,During this work,people laughed at them, discouraged them,they got injured many times,they got ill,but they never stopped...while they clean the forest,their mother brings food for them..;she sees them and her presence and gentle voice boosts in them renewed energy and conviction to get it done.Then one day, Fate Writer also smiled on their dedication, purity of soul and esp POWER of love of this family...all positive energy and power of universe join them in this task,because they are going to make unbelievable task into doable in shortest possible time.and THEY MADE IT ..not just few acres but hundred of they were no more poor or weak but prosperous and happy people.They proved all wrong through the POWER OF LOVE!
Lets get back to present time..Do you want to know more about these two brother and their in part 2.Till then Take care and Happy reading Part 1.
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